Erectile Dysfunction Facts

Erectile Dysfunction is an issue that an estimated 18-30 million men have to face every day. With only 33% of men asking for help, this is an issue that a lot of men don’t seek help for. So here is some knowledge on Erectile Dysfunction, some of the side effects and why it’s extremely important to get help from an urologist. In this infograph you will learn a lot of Erectile Dysfunction and different aspects that could affect you. Something as simple as your career could cause a lot of damage to your sexual health because of your stress levels. Also, 70% of Amercians with ED had underlying kidney disease, so having ED could be a warning sign for the rest of your body. Read more about Erectile Dysfunction, these issues that come along with it and some of the treatments that could help your life get back on track.

Derek is currently blogging for Erectile Doctor, an online directory that helps direct men to Urologists in a discreet manner. Men could find treatment for ED, receive advice, and get help from a professional.

Erectile Dysfunction: What You Need To Know

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